Function Declaration vs Function Expression

Function Declaration:

A function declaration defines a function with the specified parameters. The function declarations are processed before the code block is executed. They are visible everywhere in the block.

function sayHi () {
    ...some code here

Function Expression:

A function expression is a function that is stored in a variable. The function expressions are created when the execution flow reaches them.

const sayHi = function () {
    ...some code here



  1. In JavaScript, hoisting refers to the availability of the variables and the functions at the beginning of the code.
  2. Function expressions will load only when the interpreter reaches it.
1. sayHi();
2. const sayHi = function () {

The above code will throw an error because the sayHi function is called before it reaches line 2.


  1. In JavaScript, a callback is a function that is passed to another function as an argument.
  2. If a callback is a function expression, it will not be available outside of the function that uses it.
const sayHi = function () {

const greetings = (func) => {


So, in the above code, the sayHi function will also be present global. To avoid this we can use the function expression as below code.

const greetings = (func) => {

greetings( () =>{

Here the callback function will not be in the global scope.


  1. An Immediately-invoked Function Expression (IIFE) is a function that is executed at the time of its creation.
  2. IIFE can be declared using function expression only.
(() => {